Thursday, January 19, 2012

Katydid, katydidn't

You might have heard this title elsewhere. It is the song of the katydid, which is the Bug of the Day. If you come to my house, I have a bug store there called Bug Palace. It's not really a palace because it's just a dusty table with some books on it. But if you pay me 25 cents, I will tell you about any bug you want to learn about. I go by Mr. P there and my invisible friend Aaron Trenkle will go by Mr. A. Will somebody please be a member of this place?!


  1. I did! I'm a proud member. And even more proud to be the first member. And I'll vouch for Bug Palace - it's the greatest place in the world for information on bugs. And Mr. P is the greatest entomologist I have ever met!

  2. What does it mean to vouch? And thank you! You can join a hydrologist blog soon. The author? Aaron.
